Thursday, October 29, 2009


Being pregnant with triplets is a lot different then with singletons. Instead on a "due date" you get milestones. Your first one is 20 weeks. Usually once you've past 20 weeks the threat of miscarriage is gone. The second is 24 weeks. At 24 weeks there is about an 85% survival rate if the babies were born at this point. They call it the viability point. Your next milestone is 28 weeks. Babies born after 28 weeks generally do not have long term disabilities due to the premature birth, and generally the survival rate is excellent at that point. Now your last milestone (or milestones) is about when to deliver. I have a goal of 36 weeks. At 36 weeks they should be big and healthy enough not to need NICU time and can come straight home. Triplets on average are delivered around 32 weeks, so this last milestone is more of a personal one.
Today we have hit our 24 week milestone and are thrilled!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Miche as Alice in Wonderland Corrutped by Mad Hatter!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

(Miche dressed up as Alice in Wonderland after being corrupted by the Mad Hatter)

Pictures of the Nursery

Ok, so we have most of the nursery walls done so I figured I'd start with those pictures. Each babies name is on a different wall and their cribs will be under their name. As we complete other projects in there/ move the furniture in, we will take more pics for everyone to see.

The above picture is of the window curtain (picture is sideways)

Personality Thread.... Baby Movements

Wow... We are 23 weeks and 4 days now.
Criton is still my most active baby, but then again he has taken up a whole side by himself. I still think he is going to be the "leader" and get the girls to follow in his adventures. Michael still thinks the girls will cook up the schemes and convince him to go do them... We'll see.
Now both the girls are fairly quiet until he gets goings but their movements are different. Haley rolls a lot. I get kicks and jabs from her too, but she tends to have the big rolling over moments several time a day. Other then that she still seems like our most quiet one.
Caitlin is below/beside Haley with her head down close to the cervix, so needless to say when I am sitting up and lean forward is when she has mad fits. She'll start kicking/ moving her little arms like crazy until I sit back.
They move around quite a bit now and Michael is able to feel them now which has been really cool. Swimming days are the craziest though. After floating around the pool for an hour or two, they go nuts in there for the rest of the day.
I can't complain about any of it though... because as long as they are going wild in there, that means they are doing ok.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nursey in Progress... & Baby Movements...

Well Michael has been working hard on the nursery in his off time this past week. He got it all painted last Sunday, and we went for a light blue/ green (I'll post pics later so you can see the color), and most of the week we have been discussing where to go with the design. Tonight we marked out where all the cribs and furniture will go, put some fun characters on the walls, hung the picture that used to hang in his nursery, and plotted out some more artistic touches and shelving needs. I will start posting "progress pictures" as we keep working to complete the project. Needless to say we are both having a lot of fun with this.
On a side note Michael felt his first baby movements a couple of days ago. Criton was being crazy active as usual and Michael was finally able to feel a kick! It seems like we have been waiting forever so he could feel them. His face just absolutely light up and my heart melted. He has been such a great Dad to my two children and I know he will be outstanding with these three.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

22 week ultrasound

Here is the best one of Criton (Baby C)... He was just too squirmy to get much of anything, but is an ok profile pic.

This is a picture of Haley's (Baby B) back as she was turning away from

Here is a picture of Haley's (Baby B) foot. She seems to really love to show us her feet. I joke with Michael that she is going to love her feet like he does.

Here is a good profile picture of little Caitlin (Baby A).

In the center of this one you can see Caitlin's (Baby A) face looking out. It's like she's looking right at the camera... and it looks like she got a little chubby

Doctor Visit/ Baby Update

Wow, I can't believe this is my first October post! Our last doctor visit (2 weeks ago) wasn't very eventful. Though they suggested I find an indoor pool and swim often to help with pressure and muscle pain. Miche and I went to an indoor pool close to here last Thurs, and it was an experience. After about five mins in the water the babies were moving like crazy, and it continued all day long. I do have to say that being in the water was great though, especially on my back and lower abdomen.
Now on to this weeks appointment... Today I am 22 weeks and 5 days. The average weight for a singleton, 23 week fetus is 1.1 lb... Caitlin (Baby A) is 1.1lbs today, Haley (Baby B) is exactly 1.1lbs, and our big boy Criton (Baby C) is weighing in at 1.3 lbs! I had been praying that they were all over a pound at this weigh in... and they are! My cervix of steel is still holding at 4.9 which is beyond wonderful since cervical shortening is what causes a lot of the early births. Everyone still thinks the babies and I are doing just great which always makes me happy to hear. Heaven knows they are active
It's kind of wild to see them turning, kicking, etc on the ultrasound screen and feel it at the same time. Criton was still being our mover shaker. Anytime she went to measure or take pic he just had to move around. Hailey completely turned her back to the camera once we got over her. Caitlin was pretty cooperative but was a little squirmy herself. I love to watch them though. It's crazy to think in about 3 more months we will get to hold and touch them. Time is just flying by.
Michael has been working hard on the nursery this week. This is the first time either of us has set up a nursery so we have been really excited about it. My two older kids basically roomed in with me in the beginning months and didn't have their own "nursery". I'll post some pictures when we get closer to finishing it.
Other then that, same orders... rest more, drink more, keep eating, and doing what we are doing.