Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cloth Diapering

Well we have been doing some research. Since we have found out there are three little guys joining the family, we have been looking at ways to cut costs all around. One of the things we have been looking at recently has been cloth diapers vs disposable. Now with my other two kids I used disposables and never really thought about it. Through our research I was astounded by the cost difference. For the first 3 years of disposables, for triplets, the cost would be around $10,000! That blew us away. The cost of cloth diapering all of them would end up around $2000 total... that is an $8,000 savings. So after a lot of looking around, reading some forums of cloth diapering moms, we have decided to go this route. Will it be easy? No. Will it create more work? Yes, but it will be worth it in the long run.
I think the route we will try first is the pre folded diapers with the fitted diaper covers, and disposable inserts. We'll let you all know how it goes!


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